Pendidik dan Guru Muslim dalam Prespektif Sosiologis

  • Binti Maunah IAIN Tulungagung
Abstract views: 819 , pdf downloads: 1860
Keywords: teacher, education, education role, professional


The purpose of writing is to describe the sociology of education in Islam, the duties and responsibilities of educators in education, the duties, and responsibilities of Muslim teachers in Islamic education, as well as Muslim educators and teachers from the sociology perspective of education. The method used is library research, which is a series of activities relating to library data collection methods. Data information obtained by existing facilities in the library, such as books, websites, journals, and books from the internet. Data is analyzed in these steps: presenting data, data filtering, classification, and drawing the conclusions. The results of the study can be summarized below: (1) Muslim educator and teacher is an element of education that has a very important role (2) duties and responsibilities of an educator and Muslim teacher (3) the role of education and Muslim teacher in the school and community (4) to become professional educators.



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How to Cite
Maunah, B. (2019). Pendidik dan Guru Muslim dalam Prespektif Sosiologis. Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran, 13(2), 99-114.